Sub Form - Admin

Create Sub Form

Step 1: Click on 'Admin Configurations' from the admin profile.

Step 2: Click on 'Master Settings' and select 'Sub Forms'.

Step 3: Click on the 'Add' button.


Step 4: Enter the 'Sub Form Name' and 'Description' and click on the 'Add' button.


Actions in Sub Form


  1. Available In: By clicking on the eye icon image.png, you will be able to see the forms to which the particular subform is attached.

  2. Settings: By clicking on the edit icon image.png, you can rename the subform.

  3. Manage form properties: By clicking on the properties icon image.png, you can set up the subform.

  4. Delete: By clicking on the delete icon, you can delete a subform.

Note: The subform cannot be deleted if it is used in any form.

Setting up subform

Step 1: Click on the properties icon near the subform. A subform configuration comes in.


Step 2: Click on the 'Elements' or 'Masters', drag and drop the required elements to default elements.

Note: Click on the settings icon near the element to rename it, make it mandatory or hide it.

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